Partner 1 (Co-ordinator): department of civil and environmental engineering


University of Catania, Italy.

The Department has a long experience in hydrologic modelling and water resource management. It is involved in the activities of the Italian Group for the Defence from Hydrogeological Disasters (NGDHD). It has carried out several studies on topics of public interest (Regional Department of Forestry, Municipal Water Company, Irrigation District Board). The Institute was involved in recent years in some study for EEC:

-          INCO-DC IC18CT970169 A DSS for mitigation of drought impacts in Mediterranean regions

-          EPOCH-CT90-0028 about drought effects on vegetation and soil degradation in Mediterranean areas;

-          EUROFLOOD II-EV5V-CT93-0296 about improvement of understanding of the causes, impacts and responses to flood hazard in European countries.

-          POP Sicily 1990/93 Project Water Resources, Module A34 on water supply management under drought conditions.

Coordinator: Prof. Giuseppe ROSSI

Full professor in Hydrology, College of Engineering, University of Catania. Prof Rossi has carried out several studies on drought since 1978, and was co-ordinator of a NGDHD report on guidelines for emergency plans at regional level during periods of limited water availability.

-       Rossi, G., Ancarani, A., and Cancelliere, A., “A comparison between neural network approach and multiple regression procedures for deriving reservoir operation policies”, to appear in Proc. Int.Conf. on “Water, Environment, Ecology, Socio-economics, and Health Engineering”, Seoul, October 18-21, 1999.

-       Rossi, G., “A comprehensive framework for drought mitigation measures”, Workshop on Drought and Drought Mitigation in Europe, JRC-ISPRA, 1999.

-       Rossi, G., Benedini, M., Tsakiris, G., and Giakoumakis, S., “On regional drought estimation and analysis”, Water Resources Management, vol. 6, 1992.

-       Barbagallo, S., Rossi, G., Tamburino, V., Emergency measures in water supply systems for alleviating the effects of the 1987-90 drought in Sicily, ICID XVI European Regional Conference, Budapest, June 1992.

Prof. Federico VAGLIASINDI, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Catania.

-          Vagliasindi, F.G.A., Benjamin, M., “Arsenic Removal in Fresh and NOM-preloaded Ion Exchange Packed Bed Adsorption Reactors”. Water Science and Technology Vol.38, No. 6, pp. 337-343,1998.

-          Vagliasindi, F.G.A., Belgiorno, V., e Napoli, R.M.A., "Water Treatment in Remote and Rural Areas: a Conceptual Screening Protocol for Appropriate POU/POE Technologies". Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy, pp. 329-336, Pergamon Press (1998).

-          Mendia, L, Napoli, R.M.A., Vagliasindi, F.G.A., “Wastewater Treatment" In: Civil Engineering Hanbook, Edizioni Cremonesi, 1996 (in Italian).

-          Vagliasindi, F., Hendricks, D. W., "Wave Front Behavior in Adsorption Reactors", ASCE Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division, August 1992.


Researcher, College of Engineering, University of Catania; Expert in Hydrology Statistics.

-          Cancelliere, A., Ancarani, A., Rossi, G., “Distribuzioni di probabilità delle caratteristiche di siccità” (Probability distribution of drought characteristics), Proc. of XXVI Nat.Congr. on Hydraulics and Hydraulic Plants, “Water Engineering and Sustainable Development”, Catania, September 9-12, 1998 (in Italian).

-          Cancelliere, A., Ancarani, A., Rossi, G., “Susceptibility of water supply reservoirs to drought conditions”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, vol.102 (4), 1998.

-          Cancelliere, A., Rossi, G., Ancarani, A., “Use of Palmer index as a drought indicator in Mediterranean regions”, Proc. IAHR African-Division Congr. on From Flood to Drought, Sun City (South Africa), 1996.

Alessandro ANCARANI, engineer

Contract Researcher, College of Engineering, University of Catania; Expert in water resource management.

-          Ancarani, A., Rossi, G., Cancelliere, A., “Assessment of the effects of different drought mitigation measures on a complex water supply system”, to appear in Proc. Int. Conf. on “Water, Environment, Ecology, Socio-economics, and Health Engineering”, Seoul, October 18-21, 1999.

-          Ristori, C., Barbaro, A., Del Carlo, C., Martini, M., Ancarani, A., “A potentiometric method for the detection of pesticides in water samples”, Analitica Chimica Acta, 325, 1996.

Rossi, G., Ancarani, A., and Cancelliere, A., “ Water supply systems management under drought conditions: the role of mathematical models", IIIGA, Università di Catania, Catania, 1995 (in Italian).